When you make the decision to sell your home, it’s important that you make it as appealing as possible to potential buyers. When they walk into your house they have to feel like they’ve been transported to their ideal home that feels cozy and inviting.
For this reason, staging is a critical part of your home’s sale. Get it right and you could find yourself with multiple potential buyers in a bidding war. Get it wrong and you could find your house sitting on the market for years. Here are some of the best tips for staging your home and making a fantastic first impression on anyone that walks in.
All staging experts will tell you that the first step of staging is making sure that you get rid of any unnecessary clutter. In other words, you want to get rid of personal items that make the house feel too “lived in.” This can be challenging in your kids rooms which may have more clutter than the rest of the house.
Sometimes it’s as simple as putting things out of sight in boxes, closets, or cupboards. The idea is to make your home feel organized and spacious rather than cluttered and overcrowded.
There’s nothing that will turn a potential buyer off more than a dirty home. Before inviting anyone over for an open house, you should ensure that everything’s been thoroughly cleaned. That doesn’t mean minimal dusting, either. Corners should be scrubbed, ceilings should be de-cobwebbed, and countertops should be sprayed clean.
The carpets should be impeccable, the floors should be shining, and the windows shouldn’t have a single smudge on them. If cleaning thoroughly is not your forte, then you may want to consider hiring a professional cleaning service to ensure that the job gets done right. That way you know that even buyers with the most critical eye will appreciate how clean your home is.
Highlight Your Homes Best Features
Selling your home is all about knowing its best selling points. Highlight your home’s best features, and make sure that they stand out. For example, if your home has a beautiful fireplace, then by all means make sure that the way your home is laid out in a way that accents your fireplace. Nothing should be obstructing it, or drawing attention away from it. Bring it to buyers’ awareness by positioning furniture and decor so it surrounds the feature accenting it as a standout piece.
Don’t Forget Curb Appeal
Remember, even though they say you can’t judge a book by its cover, pretty much everyone does. Never forget the power of curb appeal. Make your home stand out from the outside so that potential buyers are tempted to come in and check the rest out.
That means having a mowed lawn, a crisp paint job, and adding extra flair that will help your home stand out from other homes on the block. Perhaps you can add some beautiful flowers, or even paint your door. Do whatever it takes to make your house pop.
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